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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Something to Live for

When I was about 8 or 9 years old, Debbie and Sam Cross walked onto our property in KZN looking for grazing for their horses. This is where my love of horses steamed from. Over the years, Sam and I became the best of friends. Auntie Debbie taught me how to ride and look after a horse, how to muck out stables, feed them,groom and tack them up. She taught me how to be responsible. I will forever be thankful to the Cross family for welcoming into their home like a daughter, and introducing me to the equestrian world.

People often think having horses is easy, all you do is ride them. That is most definitely not true. There is more to it than meets the eye. And 3 years ago, this love and responsibility has gotten me to where I am today.

3 years ago, we adopted our beautiful horses and it gave me something to fight for. They were mine, they are mine. The horses give me a sense of pride and fulfillment. My dad has often says, that getting the horses saved my life. 

There is something freeing when on the back of a horse, having the wind blow onto your face. Just you and the open road. Sometimes talking to your horse is all the therapy you need.

My dad and I usually go riding together, but recently my friend and I have started riding together too. It is quite nice to have a riding partner. Especially on my bad days. Just in case something happens, if I need oxygen or something, I have a buddy for assistance. Not to mention how great it is for physio and exercise. I will admit that these past couple of months, I have to attribute my "good Health"to riding.

The newest edition to our family, is Yash's Pride. He was born on the 19th Jan 2015, and has become the apple of our families eye. He is the sweetest little boy, and today I did his first "photo shoot''. 

He is going to be keeping me very busy for the next couple of years. Just with children, working with them from an early age is beneficial. 

I am really looking forward to beginning my life with this little guy. It gives me that drive that I need to keep going. 


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